Discover the Ancient Wisdom of Áyurveda
In Sanskrit, "Ādi" (आदि) means "beginning," "first," or "origin." It often is used to refer to something primal or foundational.
Also a Sanskrit term, "Sūtra" (सूत्र) literally means "thread" or "string." It is commonly used to refer to a concise aphorism or rule, particularly in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain scriptures. The term is also used to denote a manual or guide that threads together essential teachings or principles.
In harmony, Ādisūtra represents 'the core principle' or 'the original thread', perfectly embodying our commitment to merging millenia honoured traditions with modern day health practices.
At Ādisūtra, we stand at the intersection of tradition and innovation, driven by a commitment to uphold the highest standards of health and well-being. Our experienced team of Áyurvedic practitioners and forward-thinking innovators work relentlessly to create world-class products that reflect our core belief: true happiness begins with good health.
Join us on this journey towards a healthier life, where ancient wisdom meets modern science, and where your well-being is our utmost priority. At Ādisūtra, we don't just offer products; we offer the foundational principles of a life well-lived.

What is Áyurveda?
Áyurveda, often referred to as the "science of life," is a holistic system of medicine that originated in India over 3,000 years ago. Rooted in ancient wisdom, Áyurveda emphasises the balance between the mind, body, and spirit to achieve optimal health and well-being. It is based on the belief that each person is unique, with a distinct constitution, or prakriti, determined by the balance of three fundamental energies known as doshas:
Vata (air), Pitta (fire & water) and Kapha (earth & water).
These doshas govern various physiological and psychological functions in the body. Vata is associated with movement and creativity, Pitta with digestion and metabolism, and Kapha with structure and stability. Áyurveda aims to maintain or restore balance among the doshas through diet, herbal remedies, lifestyle changes, yoga, and meditation.
Shilajit has been recognised and used for thousands of years in Áyurveda medicine as a rejuvenator and anti-ageing compound. In ancient Áyurveda, Shilajit has been categorised as one of the highest forms of rasayana - which is a compound is known for its ability to enhance physical strength and promote overall health.
Shilajit, as an important rasayana, and when prepared correctly, is attributed with health benefits such as increased longevity, rejuvenation, and the ability to halt the ageing process.